

"soft-power Counterterrorism" or strategy of "war on hearts", the US had an efficient strategy of "USA branding" to change their image among young European Muslims.

In 2008, a few months after the election of Barack Obama, we conducted a study among 300 young European Muslims (English, German and French). Several questions were put to them, the main three are:

- For them what were the three countries most hostile to the Muslim world? - Why they considered these countries as hostile (they had to give at least two examples of acts, laws, hostile behavior)?

- And if they were prepared to engage intellectually or physically against these hostile countries considered?

It would take too long to come back in details on all the questions and answers here but in summary the results:

-85% Considered the US as the country most hostile to Muslims

-79% Evoked two main reasons namely the torture of American soldiers (Abu Ghraib ect) and killings of Muslim civilians (by non precise targeted air strikes or by the cold-blooded murder of American soldiers)

-72% Said they were prepared to act intellectually or physically against the United States

The survey was conducted unofficially and informally by persons close to the Muslim youth so that they are comfortable and respond naturally.

In 2015, the same question was put to the same target and the results are amazing on two points:

1 The United States is no longer listed as an enemy and anti-Islam country by these young people.
The three countries that have replaced the previous order are in Syria, Burma and France.

2 The United States is even seen as respectful of Islam and Muslims in general.

What happened ? How do these young people have changed their position on the United States?

The answer lies in the amazing American strategy. The United States has implemented a strategy of winning "hearts of Muslims."

A slight flashback to the Bush era is needed.

At that time, despite their media power, military, human or électronic intelligence, the Bush era is a disaster in terms of image for the United States (considered as the great satan) by young Muslims in major European cities. Such a strong hatred of the United States they were tens to fight in Afghanistan and Iraq against them. Aware of this fact, soon after the election of Barack Obama, the US intelligence media strategy makes a 180 degree turn. The objective is now, not to kill his opponents, but to get closer.
Or put another way by the father of political strategy Machiavel:

"If you can kill your enemy, kill him; if you can not, turn him into a friend" (Machiavelli in The Prince)

Does this strategy work? It seems so as shown by the survey of more than 300 young European Muslims.
But concretely, what were the techniques used by the United States:

1) THE  SPEECH IN CAIRO June 4, 2009

When you know that every word, act, speech of US President is studied, analyzed, written, even before being given because it has geopolitical, economic and military consequences real, one will better understand the reasons why the administration US to insist that the Cairo said speech takes place at Al Azhar mosque. One must know that in the beginning, Mubarak wanted the speech takes place in the Egyptian parliamentary assembly but the United States refused and insisted that it takes place in the prestigious mosque.

"A salam aleikoum"

In the heart of Al Azhar, an important place of knowledge of Muslim history, regularly citing the Koran as in a Friday sermon in front of all televisions in the Arab World, a man delivers a speech to a meeting of the Egyptian Muslim dignitaries. This man is not an imam but President Obama.

Here some selected pieces of his speech:

"The relationship between Islam and the West were marked by centuries of coexistence and cooperation, but also conflict and religious wars. More recently, tensions have been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities many Muslims ... So long as our relationship will be defined by our differences, we will strengthen those who sow hatred rather than peace, and those who promote conflict rather than the cooperation that can help all of us to achieve justice and prosperity. This circle of suspicion and distrust must end. "

Drawing a line on the colonial past, he even (below) to endorse the Koranic words that are sacred to every Muslim, which had never be done before by a Western leader.

"I came here looking for a new beginning between us and the Muslim world, a new beginning based on shared interests and mutual respect As stated in the Holy Quran. Be conscious of God and always tell the truth. I will focus here to tell the truth. As a student of history, I learned the debt of the civilization towards Islam. Indeed, it is Islam that carried the light of knowledge for centuries and made possible the Renaissance and the Enlightenment in Europe It also highlights the contribution of Muslims to his country, the United States. "And since our founding, American Muslims have contributed much to the United States. They have fought in our wars, served in our government, fought for civil rights, have set up business, taught at our Universities, excelled in sports arenas " Having valued the role of Islam and the Muslim Whereas the necessary respect as full participant in the World,

Obama becomes the lawyer of Islam around the world!

"The partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it is not. And I think it is partly my responsibility as as president of the United States to combat all the negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear. Furthermore, America, freedom is inseparable from freedom of worship. This is why the US government has used the courts to defend the rights of women and girls to wear the hijab and to punish those who would stop them. Similarly it is important for Western countries to refrain from impeding Muslim citizens from practicing religion as they see fit - for example by deciding arbitrarily what clothes a Muslim woman should wear. We can not disguise hostility towards any religion behind the pretense of defending freedom (this final idea will be repeated again and again in France by Young muslims and change the minds of a lot)

More than the real-politik of which are customary the US as its recent rapprochement with Iran or soft power, such as hundreds of films financed to discredit communism, it's going further. They understand that this old type of communicative process increasingly visible and "coarse" is counterproductive in terms of image for the country "financiers" against Muslim youth increasingly connected to the information and whith a high level of  education.

Instead of trying to influence the other with its values, showing that they are better and that we must follow, it is very close to the other values meaning that the sharing completely. It even goes further meaning than is the defender! The United States no longer say "follow the 'American way of life "that is the best but we respect you, we respect your history, culture and religion".

Beyond this  speech of june 4, this kind of advanced "soft power" or "war of hearts" has declined throughout Europe over time through powerful communication operations.

2) The offensive of American diplomats even in smaller European neighborhoods US diplomats have begun a real seduction campaign at young Muslim neighborhoods even up to share regularly in some iftar to break the fast during Ramadan.

3) The message that American Muslims are part of the elite U S was fully received by young European Muslims. -In The US, widely publicized image of the veiled advisor to President Obama so much was shared and appreciated in European suburbs as any young Muslim (e) today knows. -At Always united states or the subtle and repeated communication insinuating that Obama is a Muslim; communication so well orchestrated it appears sometimes as experienced as insulting to the president himself. So every young Muslim, by the effect of empathy, suffering the daily media stigma in Europe, feeling even closer to this friendly American president and therefore the United States. These more, the U S don’t more appear as in the time of George Bush, as a homogeneous and monolithic anti-Muslim.


The animosity against the Americans has dropped significantly among young Muslims in Western Europe. Who can indeed argue that the image of the United States is the same as it was under the presidency of George Bush? Yet America is on the same grounds of war? Holds the same position on the issue of the Middle East?

In the end, today in 2016, , through this strategy, the United States increased their security by means less costly and less harsh than would have been a classic security strategy. On this matter, it was a good play.

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