

Why is communication of manipulators jihadists so effective? Why and how doest it print  as quickly and deeply in the mind of the manipulated? Do the Manipulators use specific communication techniques?

In many cases, the manipulator benefits social, family, professional or academic loopholes to achieve his goal.
But this fertile ground does not explain everything. Indeed, many young people, before switching in jihadist operations, had balanced and happy lives.
In these cases, how the manipulator does to achieve its ends?
One of the serious consider to understand the phenomenon concerns the construction of the discourse of the manipulator. And neuroscience which, as a grid of reading, may help us to better understand the reasons for the effectiveness of this speech.
Indeed, we know with certainty thanks to neuroscientists many but recent studies that fits a speech (or not) deep into the brain, way short or long-term, depending on the intensity of the emotions it generates one who receives.
Say in a simple way, more a person feels an emotion (joy, humor, anger, fear or sadness) when it receives a message, the message will be with strength and length in her brain.
For example, an experiment conducted by the laboratory Neuro-insight. 150 short ads have been watched by a group of spectators. (we asked them to try to hold back some 50 criteria ) as history, put characters in scene, the elements of storytelling, music...).
The analysis of the results is extremely striking. It shows scientifically essential emotional data in the memorization of communication which were made to them.

·         all ads trying to convince a message through yet encrypted or scientific data have already been badly stored.
·         Instead, all the spots featuring scene of situations, people, ideas, with humor, sadness or fear have strongly been stored.

In fact, each of us can itself inwardly understand the strength of emotions in the process of memorization.
Let us together do a little test. Ask us for example on our schedule of a day any as the 20 August 2010. Who here can remember at least one thing he did that day? Probably not many people.
Now, we ask the same question for September 11, 2001. It is to bet that a lot of people remember exactly what they were doing when the attack on the world trade center towers. In the same way, to stay on the field staff, who doesn't remember his first great fears and joys of childhood while they are far in time (first bike bought, ect). All these events are printed in our brain because ' they are associated with strong emotions.

Throughout the process of manipulation, the manipulator, in his posture, his body language, his speech, his actions, is only through actions or words causing the emotion.
In all the evidence gathered during many interviews, which it would take too long to report in detail, we see the manipulator tried continuously to generate emotion at his victim in order to better penetrate his message.

A few simple phrases are evocative.

(He was always smiling with the right word for make me laugh (joy), it helped me psychologically when nobody believed in me (mutual assistance), he warned me of the risk of suffering in hell after death (fear), he talked to me the delights of Paradise (joy and hope) etc.)

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